Tuesday, September 9, 2014
What exactly is a restraining order?
I received something strange today. Somebody came to my house and handed me some legal papers.
It came from someone claiming to be Marianne Williamson's lawyer. The letter demanded that I stop sending "lewd photos" to Marianne.
But I never did such a thing.
What is this about? A prank?
Jim Libertarian Burns told me Marianne would be my First Lady.
Someone has some explaining to do.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Mount Rushmore for Functional Fillmore Frugal movement
Millard Fillmore -great president and leader of the native American Party, the Functional Fillmore Frugal movement of the 19th century
John Lennon - culturally significant singer whose libertarian themed songs influenced the Functional Fillmore Frugal movement more than anyone else
Jim Libertarian Burns - great Libertarian leader who continues his work beyond the grave as an adviser to the Functional Fillmore Frugal movement
Newt Gingrich - great Speaker of the House responsible for the prosperity of the 90s due to balanced budgets and welfare reform, best possible presidential candidate to promote the Functional Fillmore Frugal movement
Newt Gingrich: No Strategy is Better Than Bad Strategy
Originally published at CNN.com.
When President Barack Obama said recently that "we don't have a strategy yet" to defeat the Islamic State -- also known as ISIS or ISIL -- many people were scandalized. Columnists attacked him for what they said was his admission of a deep failure. His own staff had to run around defending and explaining what he said. It was seen as a terrible blunder.
Maybe it was. Or maybe it wasn't.
The truth is that 13 years after the September 11 attacks, the United States does not have an effective strategy for dealing with radical Islamists and their deep commitment to waging war against us and against our civilization.
Much like the man who has a hammer and therefore assumes every problem is a nail, our bureaucracies have tried for 13 years to redefine the problem into something they are comfortable dealing with.
Two long, bitter wars -- Afghanistan is now the longest war in American history, four years longer than the American Revolution and almost three times the length of American participation in World War II -- have not made America and its allies safer.
The emergence of the Islamic State, as the terror group calls itself, is a further reminder that the analysis and predictions of the intelligence community, the military and the State Department have often been just plain wrong.
Islamic State controls vast regions in two countries and has substantial military equipment. It is not just a new problem in nation-state relations. Whether to engage it inside Iraq or Syria is not the key question.
Instead, the most important aspect about Islamic State is that it is a vector for attracting, training and preparing foreign terrorists from all over the world.
Islamic State comprises 10,000 potential terrorists from more than 50 countries. Estimates vary widely on how many Americans have gone Syria to join ISIS and other extremist groups. Some officials say dozens have gone; House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers says "hundreds." At least one of them, from Minneapolis, was recently killed.
More than 500 potential terrorists are believed to have traveled from Great Britain to join ISIS. It's believed that the two American journalists were beheaded by the same man, and experts believe he is from England.
British Prime Minister David Cameron has begun to recognize the depth and power of the terrorism crisis. He is proposing a series of major legal changes in Britain to eliminate would-be terrorists from British life. There will be even more draconian laws proposed in the near future if this conflict escalates.
We are facing a new kind of crisis in the rise of radical Islamists who spread their ideology worldwide through the Internet and through human networking. It is a global phenomenon and the analytical models and strategic patterns that have worked with nation-states will simply fail when applied to the Islamic State and its fellow terrorists in Hamas, Boko Haram, Libyan militants, Yemeni jihadis or any other group.
We need a new analysis with new language and new strategies that relate to defeating a viral system that spreads across national boundaries.
We're better off with a president who doesn't have a good strategy and knows he doesn't than with a president who has a bad strategy but thinks he has a good one. For most of his administration, the president was firmly in the latter category, so his recent epiphany marks an improvement.
If there is a silver lining in President Obama's disastrous foreign policy, it has been in awakening Americans and perhaps even the President himself to the need for a profound rethinking of our approach to radical Islamism.
Your Friend,
P.S. Autographed copies of Callista's new children's book,Yankee Doodle Dandy, and my new book, Breakout:Pioneers of the Future, Prison Guards of the Past, and the Epic Battle That Will Decide America’s Fate are now available in the Gingrich Productions store. Order both books today!
Click here to order autographed copies of
Yankee Doodle Dandy
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Open Thread for September 2014
Thank you Jill Pyeatt
I am thankful to Jill Pyeatt of IPR for posting part one of my treatise. I am now thankful to her for posting an article linking to the Functional Fillmore Frugal blog.
Thank you.
I am upset that she lumped my website with the website of Paulie's Nazi alter ego Vernon, but I'll take it.
As Mr Jagger said, "You can't always get what you want."
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Cyberpig starts blog as Nazi alter ego
Paulie is on record supporting the block of Vernon's IP on IPR. This seemed to be an indication he was retiring the character. We now see how he can have his cake and eat it too.
On the website he makes outrageous claims referring to himself as a child molester and calling his friend Andy Jones the inspiration for the 40 year old virgin.
The Fappening disgusts me
Naked pornographic images of celebrities were released Sunday. I looked at some of them. I was disgusted.
I was disgusted, not by the hackers, but by the sluts that took the images of themselves. These sluts got what they deserved for being stupid enough to take photos of themselves and believe the public wouldn't see.
Prominent among the sluts was the overweight model Kate Upton. She showed all parts of her body and even showed photos of her boyfriend's penis, balls, and semen splatter on her back.
Maybe now the boyfriend will stop wasting his seed on this dumb slut. The boyfriends of the other sluts should do the same.
Proper women do not engage in such deviance.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
IPR censors Areola
My longtime friend Marlon Areola just had his comments censored on IPR, most likely by IPR leader Cyberpig Paulie.
Marlon discussed the genocide committed by terrorist group ISIS who has killed 90,000 people in Iraq and Syria. Some of these killings were the beheadings and crucifixions of children.
Marlon was universally condemned on IPR for arguing in favor of ending the genocide. The IPR administration has no problem allowing the genocide to continue.
Unlike IPR, the Functional Fillmore Frugal blog allows readers to comment whatever view they have. It even allows Hobo Bob to comment. By comparison, IPR has banned Hobo Bob.
Tired of being censored on IPR? Bookmark and read the Functional Fillmore Frugal blog. We are the only true competitor to IPR. We provide news about independents and third parties without censoring reader comments.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
This is a family friendly website
Functional Fillmore Frugal blog is a family friendly place. It is safe for work as well.
This is not the place to post pornographic material. Please do not post such material in the comments. It will be removed.
Please have no reservations about linking to or writing stories about this blog. It is a great news source and the only true competitor to Independent Political Report.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
A3PR returns, tricks Nathan Norman
A3PR returned last week after weeks of no content. Consensus said the website went defunct. Before returning, A3PR leader klesiak asked Nathan Norman to return on condition he not attack IPR or the cyberpig.
He agreed.
So far no invitation has been sent.
It seems as though A3PR is not a serious publication and is only trying to trick Nathan Norman.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Newt Gingrich's New Book: To Make Men Free
Functional Libertarian Newt Gingrich is releasing a new book. Get it for special price. See details below.
Sexual Orientation is myth
Sexual orientation does not exist. People may have sexual preferences that change through life, but it is not a static sexual orientation from birth as the homosexual advocates would have us believe.
Most sexual preferences are normal such as favoring blonde, brunette, or redhead females. Some are illogical like male homosexuality. Some are insane like bestiality. Some may send chills down your spine like the practice of female-to-male pegging.
Based on my experiences, I conclude that sexual preferences are shaped by experiences in life. I was exposed to homosexual propaganda from the Howard Stern Show several months ago. I had a brief issue with it but I have been healed. My preference is now, as it always was before, for brunettes like Marianne Williamson and Kristen Stewart.
The homosexual movement wants us to believe there is such a thing as sexual orientation because then they can be given special rights as a kind of minority. They want marriage benefits, etc. Libertarians should not fall into this trap of being some kind of "champion of homosexuality." They should talk straight.
Let me speak directly to the homosexuals:
Your "sexual orientation" is not homosexual. You currently have an illogical sexual preference for men. This was likely caused by propaganda from America's enemies. They are trying to weaken America by turning its men into fags.
The homosexual movement wants you to avoid treatment, but I hope you will look past their agenda and see that you can easily overcome your current sexual preference through treatment.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Newt Gingrich: President Obama's Golf: The Real Problem
Functional libertarian Newt Gingrich sent out the following press release.
A lot of people have commented on and made fun of the frequency of President Obama’s golfing.
The more I watched President Obama, however, the more I concluded the problem was what was not happening between golf rounds.
Two earlier presidents, Eisenhower and Reagan, golfed frequently but their presidencies were stunningly successful. The difference seemed to be that Eisenhower and Reagan were really effective when they weren't golfing.
President Eisenhower was a very serious golfer who had been a varsity football player at West Point. Eisenhower joined Augusta and routinely played with business leaders and pro golfers.
When Ike wasn't golfing, however, he was the best trained strategist to ever occupy the White House. From being first in his class at the Army Command and General Staff College to serving as General MacArthur's speechwriter to rising meteorically from lieutenant colonel to general of the Armies (five stars), Eisenhower proved to be exceptionally smart and hard-working.
As leader of the Allied forces in Europe, he made many of the biggest decisions in World War II. Ike knew how to run meetings, establish strategies, and manage people to get things done.
Eisenhower's White House staff actually urged him to get out on the golf course. They knew he was so intense and so driven to succeed that he needed time away from the office to decompress.
President Reagan had a very different background from President Eisenhower but a very similar approach to disciplined, strategic leadership and focusing on what mattered.
Reagan had actually learned from Eisenhower that it helped to be underestimated and seen as pleasant and not particularly intense. Reagan used to quip, “They say hard work never killed anyone, but why take chances?”
The Reagan presidency was focused on three very large goals: defeating the Soviet Empire, relaunching American economic growth, and rebuilding the spirit of American civic culture. He achieved all three.
While Reagan knew how to relax, he also knew how to focus intensely on the three goals that mattered. Look at the personal effort he put into defeating the State Department and insisting on keeping the “tear down this wall" line in his Berlin speech in 1987.
The problem with President Obama's golf outings is the lack of strategic thinking and systematic leadership when he is not on the golf course.
The confusion over Syria, Iraq, ISIS, Hamas, Israel, and Libya is only one example of the growing incoherence of his entire administration.
Lurching from crisis to crisis and story to story with no strategic purpose or long-term implementation makes his golf matches look more consequential than his presidency.
If the economy was growing, the border was controlled, the Middle East was stabilizing and there were no outbreaks of violence in the streets of major American cities, no one would comment on the number of golf games President Obama played. But none of that is the case--which gives you a sense of the achievement gap between the Eisenhower-Reagan model of strategic leadership and the Obama model of tactical improvisation.
Just remember: it's not the golfing hours, it's the non-golfing hours that are a problem.
Your Friend,
P.S. Autographed copies of Callista's new children's book,Yankee Doodle Dandy, and my new book, Breakout:Pioneers of the Future, Prison Guards of the Past, and the Epic Battle That Will Decide America’s Fate are now available in the Gingrich Productions store. Order both books today!
Click here to order autographed copies of
Yankee Doodle Dandy
Click here to order autographed copies of
Cyberpig again oinking lies about Ferguson
Cyberpig is using ipr to spread left wing lies about the Ferguson mess. This because the story is not fitting with his ideological narrative. Here are some of the lies corrected with truths:
Lie: The video shows Michael Brown paying for cigars
Truth: Video shows a strong arm robbery. Brown's accomplice admitted this
Lie: Police officer Darren Wilson was uninjured
Truth: Wilson sustained a broken eye socket likely from a struggle with Brown as corroborated by eyewitnesses
Lie: Police are guilty until proven innocent
Truth: Everyone in America is innocent until proven guilty
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
James Libertarian Burns reveals My future First Lady
My good friend James Libertarian Burns came to me in a dream once more. He revealed my future First Lady would be the beautiful Marianne Williamson as I always expected.
Marianne was the functional candidate for Congress in California this year. She fell short because of the corrupt "top two" system in California. Careful analysis of her campaign writings revealed she would follow through on the Functional Fillmore Frugal movement agenda. This would have meant, in the short term, she would have fought for the impeachment of corrupt unqualified politicians, elimination of the Mexican Slave Trade and passage of the Balanced Budget Amendment.
This will all be accomplished once a functional candidate is elected president. Jim Burns tells me it will be either Speaker Newt Gingrich in 2016 or Senator Rand Paul later.
Back on topic, I will probably need to marry Marianne within the next few years so that we can raise a family. Because of Marianne's advanced age, she cannot have my child so I will have to impregnate another woman as a surrogate for our child. According to Burns, the beautiful actress Kristen Stewart will likely be that surrogate.
When I am inaugurated as President of the United States on January 20, 2033, Marianne will be by my side. Though she will be in her 80's she will look younger because of the advancements in aging technology. Plus she will not be over exerted since younger women like Kristen Stewart will fulfill certain requirements of the marital duties as should be expected.
My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.
As the Cyberpig oinks about Ferguson, let's look at the facts
I notice the cyberpig oinking about the Ferguson mess. Let's talk about the facts of Ferguson:
1. A black man named Michael Brown robs a convenience store
2. Michael Brown is shot 6 times with his head leaning forward by the cop Darren Wilson who has a clean record. There are conflicting stories from eyewitnesses
3. Angry mobs riot in the streets, loot businesses and demand the lynching of Darren Wilson
Unlike the cyberpig, the mobs and Obama, I give you only the facts and do not take a stand. There is not enough information to take a stand. I demand a reasonable investigation of the matter and then I can take a stand.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Open Thread for August 2014
Discuss topics of any kind. Post videos of any kind. Please keep it family friendly and safe for work.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
My Sincerest Apologies
It has come to my attention that the page marked private was not actually private but public. It did contain pornographic material and I am embarrassed and very disappointed in myself for allowing this. It has been removed. I apologize to all of my readers and fans.
I have an addiction that I am working through called hypersexuality more formally known by the World Health Organization as Onanism (excessive). It is a fairly common disorder. It took root in me after I watched a transsexual beauty pageant on the Howard Stern Show while researching Howard Stern as a 2016 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential candidate. It was a mistake. To avoid suffering a similar condition, please avoid watching the Howard Stern Show. Also as a show of solidarity, please do not support Howard Stern's campaign for Vice President.
Paulie Frankel writing under the name Vernon posted a link from IPR to my blog asking readers to view the private tab. http://www.independentpoliticalreport.com/2014/08/august-2014-open-thread/#comment-903395. There is no pornography on this website anymore. This website is family-friendly and safe for work.
In closing, I want to apologize again, ask for everybody's forgiveness and affirm that I am heterosexual.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Why is the Nazi Troll allowed to remain on IPR?
I notice that Paulie Frankel bans everyone that annoys/disagrees with him. For example, he banned Hobo Bob for annoying him. He banned Nathan Norman for stating there is not much difference between Gary Johnson and Mitt Romney.
The Nazi Troll known as Vernon always disagrees with Paulie and constantly disparages him as he does at http://www.independentpoliticalreport.com/2014/08/august-2014-open-thread/#comment-900923. Why then has Paulie not blocked Vernon?
The logical reason is that this is because Paulie is the Nazi Troll.
Paulie constantly complains about how Warren Redlich does not give him enough authority over IPR. Constant Nazi Troll attacks are justification for him to receive more authority. Nazi Troll is Paulie's Reichstag Fire.
IPR readers, if you are tired of dealing with Nazi Troll attacks most likely perpetuated by Paulie Frankel, please read and bookmark Functional Fillmore Frugal blog to receive third party news and views free of the nonsense.
Oregon Nonsense on IPR
The nonsense about the two Libertarian Parties of Oregon is taking over all IPR discussion as it often does. http://www.independentpoliticalreport.com/2014/08/libertarian-party-of-oregon-passes-resolution-regarding-convention-actions/ It's getting on my nerves. I have a message for the two parties. You are both a bunch of idiots. Neither of you is the legitimate party. You are both worthless pieces of garbage that waste everybody's time and contribute nothing to society.
IPR readers, if you are tired of this Oregon nonsense, please read and bookmark the Functional Fillmore Frugal Blog, where legitimate third party news is posted.
IPR owner Warren Redlich may run for President of the United States in 2024
I just received word from the man himself; Independent Political Report owner Warren Redlich is thinking about running for President of the United States in 2024.
The Functional Redlich was town councilman for Guilderland, NY in the past. In 2010 he ran for NY governor as Libertarian and won over 1%. He now lives in Florida.
I relayed to him that I had recently been visited in a dream by the late Jim “Libertarian” Burns who revealed to me that Redlich would be the most functional choice for 2016. Redlich denied this but revealed that 2024 would be more likely.
Redlich would be the first Jewish president.
The Functional Fillmore Frugal movement endorses Redlich as the running mate for Rand Paul in the 2024 election after President Newt Gingrich serves his two terms.
Gutsense explains why Homosexual intercourse is unhealthy and why theLibertarian Party should not support homosexual marriage
The Libertarian Party should not support this unhealthy practice by endorsing homosexual marriage. It should get out of the marriage business completely. That is the true libertarian position.
To which party do you belong? Find out Now!
To determine your political philosophy, take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz at http://theadvocates.org/quiz/quiz.php
Before I took the quiz last year, I considered myself a conservative. I used the nickname “Concerned Citizen”. After viewing my results in the quiz, I determined that I am libertarian. Now I use the nickname “Concerned Libertarian Citizen”.
Those of you who take the quiz and determine that you are Libertarians should consider joining the Libertarian Party. http://www.lp.org/
Those of you who take the quiz and determine that you are Conservatives should consider joining the Constitution Party. http://www.constitutionparty.com/
Those of you who take the quiz and determine that you are Liberals should consider joining the Green Party.http://www.gp.org/index.php
Those of you who take the quiz and determine that you are Centrists should consider joining the Reform Party. http://reformparty.org/
Those of you who take the quiz and determine that you are Statists should consider joining the American Freedom Party (if you are white) http://american3rdposition.com/ or Socialist Party USA http://socialistparty-usa.net/
Please let us know your results in the comments below.
IPR's Nazi Troll
What is the identity of IPR's Nazi Troll? Everybody has their own little theory as discussed at http://www.independentpoliticalreport.com/2014/08/august-2014-open-thread/ I know the truth.
I think Paulie Frankel is the Nazi troll. He created the persona to damage IPR and increase his personal power over the website. This is the same thing the German Nazis did in bombing the Reichstag building in order to consolidate their power.
Many people are not aware that Paulie Frankel is not the owner of IPR. He governs the site on a day to day basis, but is not the big boss he tries to portray himself as. In fact, the functional Warren Redlich, future Vice President of the United States (2025-2033) is the actual owner. Warren is very busy in business and law and is not completely aware of Paulie's abuse.
IPR readers need to reject Paulie and IPR. Read the Functional Fillmore Frugal blog where you will get real third party news and will be allowed to comment freely. I even allowed Hobo Bob to comment here. With the total failure of A3PR the Functional Fillmore Frugal blog is the ONLY alternative to IPR. Bookmark the site TODAY.
Monday, August 11, 2014
An Ode to James Libertarian Burns
Jekyll held the party Saturday
Area 51 and the Vegas hajj
Misdemeanors were worn like a badge
Evening and nights every day
So I dreamt the familiar dream
Like he's creeping in my head
It comes to me in bed
Burnt in my conscience like steam
Every morning I put it together
Read it over again and again
The detail makes my mind spin
A single hair in every feather
Revolution comes calling
I know I am worthy
As he announces with greater fury
"Nathan will stop us from falling"
Bring yourselves to me
Unless you know a better way
Remember me as the one to show you today
Never forget to let it be
So that all mankind may be free
Competing against IPR
I created the Functional Fillmore Frugal Blog at the urging of my fan Dude on The Saturnalian. It will be a success. The Functional Fillmore Frugal Blog is the only true competitor to IPR. I respect the IPR owner Warren Redlich and believe he will one day be vice president, but the cyberpig Paulie runs the site as a totalitarian regime silencing the views of his critics. I ask all IPR readers, contributors and writers, as well as every one else in the third party movement to come here, bookmark my site, and make comments.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Hobo Hall of Fame
The following song gives a good example:
So who fits into this category?
Lee Wrights: "As Andy said, find a homeless man, take him to a local goodwill, buy him a cheap suit, and you got Lee Wrights."
Wrights is a "publisher" who ran for president in 2012. He lost. Then he decided to run for governor of Texas. After receiving donations and using it on God knows what, he decided he wouldn't run for governor after all.
"Hobo Bob" Robert Milnes: I found Hobo Bob in Philadelphia sleeping on a park bench. He couldn't afford the bus fare back home because he lost his wallet. He claimed the government stole his wallet to prevent him from becoming president.
Michael Badnarik: A "computer programmer" without any political experience that the Libertarian Party nominated for president in 2004. Wasted the party's full ballot access by receiving one of the lowest percentages in the history of the party.
Ted T. Ganaway: Cartoon version of Badnarik. A King of the Hill character who wants to be elected president so he can move out of his parent's basement. Probably works there as a "computer programmer."
Our Next Four Presidents and Vice Presidents
Newt Gingrich is a Functional Libertarian
I distanced myself from functional libertarian Newt Gingrich last year. I did this to appease the fanatics at IPR and A3PR. I apologize to all FFF and Newt supporters. As functional libertarian Bob Barr once said, Newt is the best choice for libertarians. Why? Here's why:
1. Libertarians want a balanced budget - Newt balanced the budget four times as Speaker of the House. He will do it again as president
2. Libertarians oppose war - Newt called the Iraq War a "phony war" and recognizes that the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars were strategic failures and should not have been started. He has abandoned the neocons of the Republican Party and supports the non-interventionism of Rand Paul. Recently, he's opposed US interventions in Libya and Syria.
3. Libertarians oppose Obamacare - Newt opposes Obamacare and helped destroy HillaryCare.
4. Libertarians want to privatize Social Security - Newt supports privatization of Social Security
5. Libertarians support the right to bear arms - Newt is one of the strongest gun rights advocates
6. Libertarians want to legalize marijuana - Newt smoked marijuana in the 60's and in Congress wrote a letter supporting medicinal use in 1982 before his position was mischaracterized by Gary Johnson and altered to appease the GOP
7. Libertarians want to lower taxes - Newt is one of the leading proponents of reducing taxes
8. Libertarians want to reduce welfare - Newt helped pass Welfare Reform as Speaker
Newt agrees with libertarians on every issue that matters. The Libertarian Party would be wise to nominate Newt Gingrich for president in 2016.
Concerned Citizens,
Functional Fillmore Frugal
Our Movement Starts Now….
During a walk in the park, I encountered a hobo named Bob. Bob appeared to be in his mid to late-50s and wore an unkempt grey beard. He slept on the park bench, where I often ate lunch; so I approached him and asked why he was there.
He explained that he was in town for some important business, but now he was stuck. Though he lived in a trailer on the other side of the river, he could not afford the bus fare back. The government had stolen his wallet, and he was too distraught to even think of going back. His clothes were filthy, and he smelled as though he hadn’t showered in weeks.
I asked why the government had targeted him. He reasoned that they felt threatened. In his mind, he was an Independent candidate for President, with a chance to win the election. The government also knew he could win, and so they stole his wallet to hurt his campaign.
I asked if he ever had a job or position that qualified him for the presidency. He said that he had always been unemployed and earned money off disability checks from the government.
This man puzzled me. Here he sat with no job and no ambition to even return home, and yet he sought the nation’s highest and most ambitious office, and actually believed he could win it. Here he accused the government of stealing his wallet, and yet the government gave him all the money he had.
As I left, I realized that Bob was nothing more than a stereotype. Of course, there have been many great Independent candidates, but unfortunately, when American voters think of Independent and Third Party candidates, they often think of people not much different than Bob.
There is a problem when someone very much like Bob or Ted, with very little business experience and no governmental experience, can win 25 percent at the Libertarian National Convention against a former Governor. An attitude exists in many third parties that it is better to be ideologically pure than to have the experience to be functional. This attitude stalls the implementation of better policies.
If a party nominates a candidate who is not functional, that party will not spread its message. The media will not report on the candidate, and the voters will have only minimal information about him. No movement will result, and so there will be no policy implications for the run. It will simply be a wasted effort, though it may stroke a few egos.
That is the path the Libertarian Party took in 2004. Despite ballot access in 48 states plus DC, the party nominated a computer programmer named Michael Badnarik. It didn’t matter what he said. He was not functional, and so was not a credible candidate for voters. As a result, he won only 0.32 percent of the vote in an environment ideal for Libertarians.
On the other hand, in 2008, despite the excitement over Senator Barack Obama, Congressman Bob Barr, a functional candidate, won 0.40 percent of the total, even though he appeared on only 45 state ballots. Another functional candidate, Governor Gary Johnson, did even better four years later, receiving 0.99 percent of the vote.
Though both Barr and Johnson were functional candidates who did relatively well, as will be discussed further in Part IV, neither was able to inspire a movement to affect policy to get this nation back on track. Barr suffered a significant blow when Ron Paul refused to support his candidacy. Johnson could not meet his potential because the Republicans nominated a candidate who shared many of the same views on the budget, spending, and scope of government.
Nevertheless, third party successes from functional candidates can impact and have impacted national policy at least twice in recent memory.
First, in 1992, businessman Ross Perot, an exceptionally functional Independent candidate, was on path to win the presidential election with the clear and simple message: Balance the Budget. Unfortunately, the campaign was sabotaged when operatives threatened to disrupt his daughter’s wedding, forcing Perot to withdraw. Though he re-entered, he could not reach his potential, but delivered with the largest third party showing in 80 years.
Perot’s impressive popular vote percentage of 18.91 led to actual policy changes in Washington. His campaign infomercials and debate performances spawned a movement, which forced Republicans to change their message. The result was Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America , promising a balanced budget. It swept Republicans into Congress in 1994, and eventually, President Bill Clinton came together with Gingrich, and achieved Perot’s goal of a balanced budget.
Next, in 2007, a functional candidate who represented the Libertarian Party in 1988, Congressman Ron Paul, brought forth a message of liberty that inspired millions. His performances during the GOP debates and presence of his supporters online turned Paul into one of the most admired men in the nation. He raised millions of dollars, and changed many hearts and minds.
During the 2008 general election, supporters placed Paul on ballots in Montana and Louisiana. He did respectable in both, most notably garnering 2.17 percent in Montana, the most a third party candidate received in any single state that election. His run spawned the TEA Party movement, which made significant gains for Republicans in the 2010 mid-term election. This allowed Republicans to block much of President Obama’s anti-liberty agenda.
Unfortunately, there is still much more to accomplish, as will be discussed further in Parts II and III. Spending remains out of control and the budget has not been balanced in thirteen years. President Obama did great damage in his two years of free reign; most disgustingly, imposing Obamacare on the American people.
In a perfect world, both the Libertarian and Constitution Parties would have endorsed Governor Mitt Romney for president in 2012. Had they focused on building him up, rather than tearing him down, better policies would have resulted. Spending would be cut, taxes would not rise, and Obamacare would be history.
We can only be optimistic that in 2016, the Libertarian Party will nominate a functional candidate that will spawn a movement to change these policies.
The obvious functional choice for Libertarians in 2016 is Senator Rand Paul, the son of Ron Paul. He may be the Republican Party’s 2016 presidential nominee, and would likely accept the Libertarian Party’s cross-nomination. Paul will lead the movement his father started and promote policies favorable to Libertarians, including: limited Constitutional government, a balanced budget, reversal of Obamacare, audit of the Federal Reserve, end to the war on drugs, and a non-interventionist foreign policy.
If the Republican Party selects someone else, Paul will likely not run against them, keeping 2020 in mind. For such a scenario, there are functional alternatives.
Supposing Republicans nominate an establishment candidate like Governor Chris Christie, Libertarians will have a great opportunity to make a difference at the polls if they nominate a functional candidate. Christie is a “big” government Republican and political animal, who shares many views with President Barack Obama and presumptive 2016 Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. A Christie presidency, though an upgrade from Obama, will not be much different than a Hillary presidency.
In such a situation, the Libertarian Party could again nominate the functional Governor Gary Johnson. He would likely improve on his 2012 performance. But there’s something missing in Johnson. He lacks the fire of a Perot or Paul that inspires people and spawns movements. He is not an exceptional speaker, and so, even if he participates in the national debates like Perot, he is unlikely to make the same impression necessary to change the direction of the nation.
Personally, I prefer former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, the most functional option available. There were hints in 2012 that he would not oppose a move to a third party, and, according to the functional 2008 Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr, Gingrich was the best candidate for Libertarians in 2012 . That is even truer in 2016.
Like many Libertarians, Gingrich supports: gun rights, low taxes, deregulation, term limits, social security opt-out, school choice, and free trade. He opposes bailouts, Obamacare, McCain-Feingold, the UN, and military interventions in Libya and Syria. Like Perot, Gingrich has credibility on national budget issues. In fact, Gingrich can speak to it better since he’s actually balanced the national budget before (four times in fact).
Gingrich can run with this issue like no other, and use it to get into the debates. He is one of the greatest debaters around today (see video below) and would destroy both Hillary and Christie on the issues. He would then either win election as president or win a substantial amount of the vote, forcing President Hillary to be fiscally responsible like her husband.
However, if Libertarians do not accept Gingrich, there are other functional options that may be able to replicate the potential success of Gingrich. My second personal choice is billionaire Ross Perot, Jr., a great speaker and businessman (see video below), who has the money and credibility to mount a campaign resembling his father’s ’92 run.
Other potential choices include: the 2008 running mate of Ron Paul in Louisiana, former Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr.; Congressman Jimmy Duncan of the Liberty Caucus; and former Congressman Tom Tancredo, also of the Liberty Caucus.
If Bob or Ted is nominated instead, and no functional candidate campaigns for limited government, we will continue on our current path, and lose both freedom and prosperity.