Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why is the Nazi Troll allowed to remain on IPR?

I notice that Paulie Frankel bans everyone that annoys/disagrees with him.  For example, he banned Hobo Bob for annoying him.  He banned Nathan Norman for stating there is not much difference between Gary Johnson and Mitt Romney.  

The Nazi Troll known as Vernon always disagrees with Paulie and constantly disparages him as he does at Why then has Paulie not blocked Vernon?  

The logical reason is that this is because Paulie is the Nazi Troll.

Paulie constantly complains about how Warren Redlich does not give him enough authority over IPR.  Constant Nazi Troll attacks are justification for him to receive more authority.  Nazi Troll is Paulie's Reichstag Fire.

IPR readers, if you are tired of dealing with Nazi Troll attacks most likely perpetuated by Paulie Frankel, please read and bookmark Functional Fillmore Frugal blog to receive third party news and views free of the nonsense.


  1. I think you have the pig nailed here. He even admitted it on IPR open thread today. The nazi pig needs to be removed and the place should be fumigated and denazified after him. The dirty filthy fascist pig. He is the one who should be banned, not you. Like he got banned at Last Free Voice in 2008! I hope he gets a bigger heart attack soon and croaks, and burns in hell for all eternity.

  2. He also is wrong about my private tab. No, I do not use the tab to store pornography. It is marked private for other reasons like when I am writing something I don't want others to read yet. Why does he assume it is for pornography?

  3. I think we all know it is because he is a perverted degenerate filthy pig.

  4. Or maybe its because the page is not "marked" private but is only titled "private" and so everyone can see you are using the page to store pornographic material.
